Edited by Hada M. Sánchez Gonzales



Special issue


New media, audience and emotional connectivity (Introduction)

Hada M. Sánchez Gonzales (Spain)


Digital enthymeme: morality, emotions, and materialism in new media participation

Maria Eronen, University of Vaasa (Finland)

From Audience to Community: The Role of the Affective Factors and the Relationship between Audience and Newspaper Staff in the Process of its Successful Transformation towards Digital Presence

Emilia Smolak-Lozano, Universidad de Málaga (Spain)

New connectivity between audience and mass media: An empirical analysis of interactivity in the Spanish digital press

Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Ana Beriain Bañares and Dr. Josep Lluís Del Olmo Arriaga, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (UAO CEU) (Spain)

Online Interconnectivity and Negative Emotion Patternings

Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, University of Lodz (Poland)

Phenomenological features of digital communication: interactivity, immersion and ubiquity

Dra. Carmen Marta Lazo, Dr. José Antonio Gabelas Barroso, University of Zaragoza. (Spain), and Elisa Hergueta Covacho, FH-Krems University of Applied Sciences (Austria)

Political infotainment and emotional connectivity on YouTube

Salomé Berrocal Gonzalo and Eva Campos-Domínguez, University of Valladolid (Spain)

Redefinition of the Relationship Between Media and Audience(s) in the Digital Context:The Guardian’s Open Journalism Model

Moisés Limia Fernández, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC) (Spain)

The radio university as a public service:programming models in Spain

Lcda. Paloma Contreras Pulido and Dr. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez, University of Huelva (Spain)

The segmentation of the Web space in accordance with axiological paradigm

Dra. María Pilgún, National Research University «Higher school of economics» (Russia)

Towards the construction of new audiences.‘Fictions’ in contemporary media

Carolina Duek, Conicet/University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)